Our Story

TEXOPED Parsian Kish is the first private laboratory active in petroleum fluid analysis and flow assurance studies.

International Knowledge, Regional Answere

TEXOPED is using consultancy of foreign patners in Culombia, Huston, Netherland, China and etc. We gathered talented and young engineers around to achive the best ideas for development. By using newest knowledge achivments and young talents we present the most reliable

Our Mission

Providing the best research and laboratory services in the field of oil and gas fluids with the approach of: 
1. Relying on modern technology and continuous innovation
2. Utilization of specialized human capital 
3. Gain customer trust 
4. Increase the capacity to provide laboratory services 
5. Sustainable satisfaction of shareholders, customers and stakeholders 
6. Improve service quality

Our Vision

Providing the most specialized laboratory services in the field of oil and gas fluids using the most modern devices in the world and continuous training of personnel in accordance with international standards.